
7月26日(水)より『はじめようシェアリングビジネス』(シェアリングエコノミー協会監修 / 日本経済新聞出版社)が販売開始となります。シェアリングエコノミーをまだよく知らない&利用したことのない初心者ユーザーからコアユーザー、ビジネスサイドのプラットフォーマーまで幅広く学べる1冊です。


フードシェアの「The Food Assembly」など欧米の最新シェアリングビジネスの事例紹介、急速に発展を続ける中国シェアサービス体験記、「ワールド・シェアリングシティ・アライアンス」など海外の最新動向をご紹介。



Book Release “THE SHARING WORLD” (Published by Nikkei)

“THE SHARING WORLD” (published by Nikkei, supervised by the Sharing Economy Association, Japan) is now on sale.

The book covers comprehensive topics about sharing economy both domestic and overseas, and offers useful information for beginner users of sharing services as well as its platform operators.

A variety of the most up-to-date information concerning global sharing economy trends is covered, ranging from the European and American sharing business case studies, such as one on the food sharing platform “the Food Assembly”, to the user reports about fast-growing Chinese sharing services, to a new international city-oriented movement, the “World Sharing City Alliance”.

On the domestic side, the reports about the regional revitalization and sharing economy, the Japanese industry-academia-government collaboration, or the service certification system of “Sharing Economy Trust Mark” aiming at safer and more reliable market building can be found in the book, as well as the interviews with the users (both hosts and guests) of sharing services in Japan.

Special thanks to the supports from: